EcoFarm by Ryutsu Service Co.,Ltd.



Authentic traditional process of making Matcha

Allow us to introduce to you the real taste of Matcha. Today, we see an extremely large number of products called Matcha. However, finding real Matcha around the world is very difficult. That is because 80% of Matcha is made in China. And most Japanese think that powdered tea is Matcha. That is not correct. What is real Matcha? There are 3 points to real Matcha.

People who drank our Matcha ask “Why isn’t your Matcha bitter?”

It is because the tea plantation is covered with a black sheet 30 days before being harvested. With this, most 90% sunscreen is achieved.

  • Unshading
  • Dierctly Shading
  • Our Tea Field

Why our Matcha has good color and aroma?

Fresh tea leaves are transferred to the factory to dry after harvesting. A special drying furnace called Tencha-ro is used. After drying, stems, veins, and leaves are cut. The leaves in are called “Tencha”

The secret of Smooth

Our company produces Matcha from 100% pure leaves. The secret of its smoothness After making Tencha, Tencha Matcha is made in a stone mill. The size of the grains is about 6 to 7 microns. The stone mill is the only tool that does not change for making Matcha since ancient times.

And more premium One If you want.

We would like to introduce to you about single cultivar we use for Matcha. We have researched what species is most suitable for making Matcha for 30 years. Differnt species may contain different amount of ingredients such as Amino-acid, Theanine, Catechin and so. For example, Yabukita is rich in Catechin, therefore the Matcha made of Yabukita tastes bitter.Yabukita accounts for 97% of species in Shizuoka.

Matcha Line-up